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Alleviate Your Winter Pain From Slips And Falls With The LaserTRX Device | Cold Laser Therapy At The Tips Of Your Fingers!
Winter time can be one of the most fun times of the year, but it can be hampered with the arrival of trips and falls from snow and ice. These types of injuries and accidents can result in sprained ankles, broken legs, back pain, and joint inflammation. In addition to taking precautions in avoiding future slips, trips, and falls, you need an at-home pain management device to provide significant relief when you’re dealing with these injuries.
The LaserTRX device is a specialized LLLT device for pain relief that uses cold lasers to alleviate recurring pain and discomfort. It’s a handy device that is compact, portable, and effective in its low-level laser therapy (LLLT) treatment process. You can apply the device yourself on an affected area, set your own function level, and use it within your own home.
“Unlike high-powered lasers which can cut tissue; these lasers, powered within a specific safe range, can be used to relieve pain without any discomfort during the treatment. With a portable LLLT device, you can experience the benefits of this kind of treatment and therapy no matter where you are.
LLLT treatments are pretty quick as well, lasting under only 20 minutes letting you quickly treat any pain that happens and get back to your day just like normal!”
To help you learn more about the positive benefits of the LaserTRX device, we’ll explain how long cold laser technology works to provide pain relief and how it can help alleviate winter injuries. Let’s start by going over some of the most common causes of slips and falls in the winter.
What Are The Most Common Causes Of Slips And Falls In The Winter?
Very often, the first thing anyone thinks of when slips and trips happen is wet and slippery floors. This is made worse by the fact the poor visibility and uneven walking surfaces hidden by snow can only increase the chance of an accident occurring.
Other hazards that contribute to slips and falls in the winter are damaged or irregular steps with no handrails, along with sloped, icy walking surfaces. If the person who fell is of older age, has poor vision, or suffered a previous fall, they may be at more risk of these winter factors than anyone else. If you have chronic conditions like back pain or arthritis, it can be especially dangerous for you to walk around icy areas.
To avoid slips and falls, and trips in the first place, have someone clear away all the snow and ice from places that have high foot traffic. Additionally, place anti-sleep mats or wear anti-slip boots to try and stay balanced on the floor. Above all else, stay vigilant and alert while going at your own pace.
Keeping these things in mind will lower the chances of a winter accident from happening, but in the event, you do sustain any injuries, the LaserTRX device can provide effective pain relief in any targeted area. Let’s break down how long it will take for the cold lasers to work on your body.
How Long Does It Take For Cold Laser Therapy To Work?
Cold laser therapy uses a combination of low-frequency red lights and radiation to produce wavelengths that provide your body with pain relief. These wavelengths are cold because they are not heated to a dangerous temperature on your skin. They stimulate the microcirculation of blood and oxygen around the tissue’s nerve fibers, boosting blood flow that helps to heal and reduce pain overall. It may take a couple of applications from the LaserTRX device to start seeing significant improvement from an injury.
Different wavelengths and low-level light outputs from the LaserTRX device penetrate the skin to stimulate and increase oxygen intake on your cells. From here, the skin absorbs them to help cells regenerate and heal damaged soft and hard tissue around an area of your body. As a result, the cells regenerate into stronger versions of themselves and the increased blood flow helps to create more of them.
While LLLT can take a bit of time to help you feel your better self, the healing process and recovery time are much faster than letting it heal by itself. The LaserTRX device is painless and non-invasive, working to decrease inflammation in an affected area and boost blood circulation to your cells. This in turn makes the overall recovery process smoother and faster than other medical treatments.
How Can The LaserTRX Device Alleviate My Injuries?
Now that we’ve gone over the science of LLLT technology and how the healing process works, let’s get into how the LaserTRX device can alleviate your overall injuries. Devices like those are being increasingly used and recommended for patients dealing with common winter aches and pains.
The red laser lights from the LaserTRX device create a reactionary effect on your body’s tissue, regenerating the damaged cells into newer, stronger ones. Afterward, you’ll start feeling less pain in whatever area you’re treating and will experience improved mobility.
Get effective pain relief for your winter injuries by contacting us today - learn more about how the LaserTRX device can help you now!