Using The Handy Cure/HandyRx For Arthritis Pain Management

Arthritis can affect people of all ages. The pains associated with this condition range from annoying to extreme, and many sufferers despair as they struggle to find relief that is both fast and effective.

Luckily, pain relief options do exist. In the following article, we will review the two main types of arthritis, and explain how you can improve your quality of life and reduce the pain you feel every day.

Types of Arthritis

Osteoarthritis: This form of arthritis is extremely common among older people, but it’s not limited to this segment of the population. Osteoarthritis is a growing problem in the Western world - the number of diagnoses continues to rise each year. Osteoarthritis can affect the neck, knees, spine, neck, and hands. Sufferers of osteoarthritis will experience pain, discomfort, swelling, and potential mobility loss in the affected joints. This occurs when cartilage wears away, allowing the bones to interact with one another.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: This is the second most frequently diagnosed form of arthritis. Because it is typically diagnosed earlier in life, younger populations are much more prone to rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis can negatively affect the immune system, tissues, and joints of a sufferer, leaving them with pain issues as well as a general feeling of unease. Fevers and fatigue are also commonly associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Stop the Pain with At-Home Arthritis Relief

The Handy Cure/HandyRx is one of the few at-home arthritis pain relief and management system available. There is a considerable body of scientific evidence that shows The Handy Cure/HandyRx to be an effective form of self-administered relief.

The Handy Cure/HandyRx is favoured by many because it is small, portable, and effective. This device can provide pain relief from home, or on the go, which is crucial for arthritic individuals staying active in today’s mobile world. Many arthritis sufferers find that their pain management solutions are few and far in between, and those that are available for home use are likely to be costly. The Handy Cure/HandyRx puts affordable, convenient, fast, and effective pain management solutions in your hands.

The Handy Cure/HandyRx can be used for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and even scoliosis. This non-invasive pain relief solution is safe for all ages.

How Does The Handy Cure/HandyRx Work?

The Handy Cure/HandyRx utilizes low level laser radiation, magnetic properties, and infrared lighting energies that combine to create the ideal pain-management system. These energies target acute and chronic pain. Using the Handy Cure/HandyRx can result in needling fewer medications for pain management and less doctor visits.

To learn about The Handy Cure/HandyRx, and to see if it’s right for you, visit us at: