Fibromyalgia Pain Relief: How Cold Laser Therapy Can Improve Your Daily Life

Fibromyalgia is a condition that affects a large percentage of Americans and can cause mobility issues and pain in a person’s key muscle and joint areas. There can be many different types of treatments and medication used to provide relief, but all of them have their limits on what they can accomplish. The LaserTRX device utilizes innovative cold lasers for fibromyalgia to stimulate cell growth and nerve function to decrease the effects of the condition. 

LLLT cold laser therapy device

You may have questions on how an LLLT cold laser therapy device can assist in mitigating fibromyalgia pain and providing much-needed relief. We’ll go over how the device helps relieve the condition, the cause of fibromyalgia, and why cold laser therapy is an ideal treatment option to mitigate your pain symptoms. 


What Is The Root Cause of Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic condition that can cause a wide range of symptoms for different patients. The condition affects your whole musculoskeletal system and can lead to higher levels of fatigue, sleepiness, mood swings, and memory gaps. Fibromyalgia changes the way your brain processes pain and further amplifies it through muscle and joint tissue inflammation. A specific root cause of the condition is still debated, but researchers believe it can be a result of hereditary factors, infections, and physical or mental trauma. 

Additional symptoms of the condition can also include insomnia, numb body parts, body aches, and uncomfortable menstrual cycles in women. The LaserTRX device uses low-level cold lasers to provide pain relief for fibromyalgia. So even if you can’t find out the specific cause of fibromyalgia, you can rest easy knowing there are effective at-home options to mitigate its effects.


Does Cold Laser Therapy Help with Fibromyalgia Symptoms?

Cold laser therapy uses low-temperature red lasers to penetrate the affected area of your body, making it especially useful for people suffering from fibromyalgia. It is a non-invasive treatment, and with the LaserTRX device, it can be applied by yourself in the comforts of your own home. When the device is activated, different wavelengths, infrared light, and radiation levels are absorbed into your body tissue, creating a regenerative reaction from your dead cells. These cells are then transformed into newer, stronger cells that lead to effective pain relief, nerve function, and endorphin production.  

Since the cold laser therapy is activated at low heat, the process is essentially painless and can be used to manage fibromyalgia pain, decreased mobility, and low energy levels. When used in tandem with surgery or rehab procedures, the effects of cold laser therapy can greatly improve your lifestyle and deliver promising results. 


What is the Current Treatment for Alleviating Fibromyalgia Symptoms?

Treatments for fibromyalgia often aim to reduce symptoms and improve the quality of life through medication, self-care methods, and lifestyle changes. This includes cold laser therapy which utilizes progressive cold laser technology to penetrate your skin and stimulate cell growth and regeneration. Whole-body cryotherapy has also been used as a treatment for fibromyalgia, but there’s currently no substantive evidence it is as effective as low-level laser therapy. 

Consistent physical and occupational therapy has been shown to improve your strength and lower stress on your overall body. Moreover, daily exercise and relaxation techniques can contribute to a healthier physical and mental outlook. Examples include yoga, meditation, massage therapy, and acupuncture among others. 

Additionally, those suffering from fibromyalgia can also find a reliable support system and guidance from therapists, support groups, and medical specialists. While these methods may not be a perfect fit for everyone, proper support and guidance can go a long way in finding suitable relief. 


Get the LaserTRX Device to Start Feeling Better Today!

The LaserTRX device uses four energies to deliver promising and effective pain relief for a variety of conditions, including fibromyalgia. They include low-level pulse laser radiation, infrared radiation, visible low-level red lights, and static magnetic field. As an advanced, innovative device of cold laser therapy, the LaserTRX device is a perfect tool to use for the effective relief of recurring pain and fibromyalgia symptoms. 

If you’d like to get started and learn more about the LaserTRX device, you can contact Pain Relief HERE. Free and fast shipping available!